Why Mediate?


Avoid Court and resolve separation issues peacefully…and privately!

The decision to separate and the next steps to take are some of the most stressful events in one’s life. At separation, you can be suddenly faced with a range of unexpected financial challenges.

Court should be your last resort. If you do end up in Court, your matter may not be resolved for some years and there are high costs involved both financially and emotionally. You also lose the power to make your own decisions and the Judge (who may or may not like or believe you) makes the decision on your behalf.  Litigation breeds high risk for anyone and your return on investment of excessive legal fees spent may never be returned to you.


Mediation can be one of the best decisions you can make to protect your financial and emotional well-being.

At Mediation, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Find a peaceful, respectful and private solution to resolve family conflict, property and financial settlements and children’s matters.
  • Protect yourself from delays and excessive separation related expenses. Settle it now and avoid the costs of going to Court and possible ongoing legal costs.
  • End the emotional burden in having to deal with your ex in constant conflict.
  • Have the conversation you have not been able to have since separation, and clarify any misunderstandings.
  • Tell your side of the story.
  • Maintain control over your life. You have the final say in what happens to you, your family and your finances.
  • End your relationship with respect and dignity…so you can begin your new life.
  • Strengthen your ability to resolve future disagreements on your own.
  • Discuss the importance of respectful co-parenting in the future.

Money and property matters:

  • Property that needs to be divided
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Child support
  • Living arrangements, access to bank accounts and payment of mortgages

Mediation is generally the least expensive and least painful way to resolve these issues. At Mediation, you have the chance to resolve your matters without further delay or having to go to Court.

Children’s matters:

  • Living arrangements / Relocation
  • Time spent
  • Schooling
  • Holidays and other special days
  • Overseas travel & passports

If you have children, ongoing conflict between parents is often hurtful and traumatic for them.  It is vital to minimise your children’s exposure to conflict and work together to co-parent. Mediation helps you end your relationship with respect and dignity.